Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Worth It.

I've come to a realization.
And that realization, is this:
If I really want what I want, I'll work for it.

And most people will be like "Well, duh, silly girl. Everyone knows that if you really want something, you should work for it."
& I'll say "Yes, but what about in a spiritual perspective?"
Ahhh, didn't think about that, huh?

I don't believe that if you believe in God, you're automatically saved. If you get baptized, you're automatically saved. I don't think it's that easy. I think you should have to work for it. I believe & know that to be true. What we do now, will depend on where we go (on earth, and after life).

As mentioned before, my best friend is on a mission. Doing amazingly wonderful things. He is going off & helping people, changing lives, and making a difference in this world that only a select few, I'm sure, could make. He's doing it all. Oh, and did I mention I was proud of him? :)

But I've already talked up how proud I was of him in a previous post; so we'll get to the point...

He has always had this light about him that struck me. I could never quite put my finger on it, until after all this pondering and thinking. And then I realized what it was. It was the light of Christ.

Well, this person has inspired me. Motivated me. Took care of me. Has been there during times when I felt like no one would even look at me. And not once, did he ask for something in return. Kind of like how Christ was when He was on the earth. He is doing that now on his mission, too.
It's uplifting to have that kind of influence in my life. I want to do something about it. I want to make myself a better person. I want to have that same light around me.

So, I'm taking action.

My New Years Resolution (& this will go on forever) is to simply be better; mostly by being more spiritual.
I am going to work for my salvation. I want there to be no questions looking back. I don't want to live a day feeling like I could have done something better. I want to read the scriptures every day, go to church ALWAYS, take the sacrament, and do all of the "little" things people take for granted. I want to go to the temple as often as I can. I want to be happy. I want to try my hardest to be kind and not judgmental. I want to be pure of heart. I want to go to the Celestial Kingdom for eternity with my family. I want to be the friend that people can go to without hesitation. I want to be the best wife and mother I can be. I want to be my best, in general. I want so many more things, but mostly...
I. Want. That. Light.

& I am willing to work for it. For every single thing I want.
I know it's worth it.
Everything I do will be worth it.

Heavenly Father has placed so many people in my path to help me realize this. At times, I felt like I could finally grasp and get the idea. I felt like I could do it. But always turned back to my old ways and forgot about it. But this time...this time feels different. I think Heavenly Father knew just who to send to me in order for me to fully realize what He's been trying to say all along. Now, I know that I can do this. I know that if I work faithfully and try to stay on the straight and narrow & choose the right ALWAYS, I will get to where I want to be. And I know with all my heart that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help me along the way.

And this is all not for, but, because of my best friend.
I owe a lot to him--I really, really do.

"But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"
-James 2:20

"And now, verily I say unto you, and what I say unto one I say unto all, be of good cheer, little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you;"
-D&C 61:36

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