Saturday, January 28, 2012

News news news.

Sooo, updates.

I am now a girlfriend! Officially. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Haha or at least, it would be cooler if I could see the boy. But that's okay, I bought a ticket out to St. Louis for Spring Break. 33 days! Ahhh! So far!
I'm so happy that we have decided to make it official and be more committed to each other. We've been talking for a couple months, and it's pretty obvious we have mutual feelings towards each other. Yeaahhh.....the distance is kinda sucky, but the way I see it, it'll make us appreciate the time we have together even more! He makes me happy. That's really all that matters right now. :) I'd say we're building a pretty good friendship and relationship.

School is fine. I'm trying to keep my grades up this semester even more than before! Bah. And of course, I love my friends. I really do have the best support system, in all aspects.
However, on the downside...
I'm pretty sure I lost one of my closest friends. I don't see him or hear from him hardly as much as I used to. I don't really know what all is going on with him and I miss being around him. We've talked about it, and it seemed like things would get a little better, but it's the same. He says that our friendship means a lot to him, and I'm sure he meant that, and I know he's busy...but I can't help but feel like our connection really has disappeared. And I'd lie if I said it didn't break my heart a little. I miss the way things were. But I feel dumb always asking to hang out and him not being able to. I guess I've just assumed he doesn't want to. :/ He hangs out with his other friends, and I'm so glad he does; I can tell he's a lot happier. That's really all I want--for him to be happier than he was last semester. I guess I just wish I was a part of it.
But, I guess life just kind of works out that way, and we have to get used to it. I definitely wish it wasn't that way though. I'm trying not to take it all so personally and try to just focus on the good: He's happier. That was the plan. That was the goal. I did what I could.
So why am I having a hard time with it?

Anyway...yeah, that's all the news here.

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